James Bond Secret Agent 007 Game - Milton Bradley 1964

Regular price $40.00

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OUR PHOTOS are of the actual item.

  • Ages 10 to Adult
  • 2 to 4 Players
  • Board w Dial
  • 12 Pawns (3 each in 4 colors)
  • 24 Cards
  • 4 Wooden scoring Disks (not original)
  • Original Instructions (inside lid)
  • Box liner and Tray


This item is a USED James Bond Secret Agent 007 Game from Milton Bradley 1964.

The box has shelf wear on all the corners\edges, and face. Three lid corners are split/taped with clear box tape and three box bottom corners are starting to split. There is also splitting on the lid's lower left long edge that has a 5" long piece of box tape on it. The box back is yellowed from age and it has creases. There is a stain inside the box lid along the upper edge, but it does not effect the text on the instructions there. The board has wear on the seam and there is tearing in the blue "Agents Can Not Rendezvous" area at the edge of the seam. The movable metal clock hand looks good. The cards show wear and stains, they are darkened from age, but lay flat. The four wooden score markers are not original and the green one was tan and has had green permanent marker added to it (we always fully disclose what we know!).