Jenga Girl Talk Edition - Parker Brothers 2007

Regular price $26.00

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OUR STOCK PHOTOS are intended to show the version and what this item generally looks like. Condition varies read below.

  • Ages 8 to Adult
  • 1 or More Players
  • 54 Wooden Blocks
  • Microfiber covered Stacking Sleeve
  • Instructions (Not Original)
  • Plastic Box Liner


This item is a USED Jenga Girl Talk Edition from Parker Brothers 2007. The box has shelf wear on the corners\edges, there are two small tears on the left side edge where the hole is that allows you to touch the microfiber sleeve. All box corners are intact with no tears or tape. There is a area on the top flap where some tape was removed that tore the cover paper, revealing the cardboard below (Approx 1 inch by 3/4 inch). The Sleeve and blocks look good.