Sly Strategy Game - Amway 1975

Regular price $14.00

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OUR STOCK PHOTOS are intended to show the version and what this item generally looks like. Condition varies read below.

  • Ages 8 to Adult
  • 1 to 4 Players
  • Plastic Board
  • 4 Sets of 11 Pieces
  • Plastic Trays
  • Original Instructions
  • Box Liner


This item is a USED Sly Strategy Game from Amway 1975. The box has shelf wear on the corners\edges, one lid corner is split taped with clear box tape. There are some tape remnants on the right and left edges of the lid. The box back is yellowed from age. The felt covered box liner has worn, it has been cleaned, but it flakes easily and does leave a little dust inside the box. The pieces and board look good, the felt pads for the legs are unused, but they are also dried out and would need glued on.